Friday, March 26, 2010

What's Your Goal?

Um, no, I'm not this delusional, don't worry.

I think the most important first step is to focus on a goal. I'm not talking some general statement like "I want to be healthy for me and my family", which is great, but you know... duh... I think we all want that. So think hard, and focus on something specific. Whether it's a High School reunion coming up this fall, a wedding you're going to be in, bathing suit season, find something. These may seem superficial, and of course there is a bigger picture as to why you should be leading a healthier lifestyle. But from my experience, with a realistic time-line, a goal can give you something to look forward to. "Keep your eye on the prize" sounds trite, but really there is truth to it. I'll share mine so it's in writing and you all can keep me accountable... maybe... no lol ok, here goes:

I want to take my kids to swim at our condos' pool in the Summer without being overly conscientious of what I look like in a bathing suit. I don't want to obsess about my ass or thighs; I just want to have fun and enjoy playing with my kids.

All that being said, the key word is REALISTIC. Don't think you are going to lose 30lbs in 2 months because you have a big event planned. That's just crazy talk. And don't beat yourself up if you fall short. If you lost weight, then I say that's a success. And goals like this can change. For instance, my former goal was to lose weight before my 10 year High School reunion. I did, and it wasn't as much as I would have liked by that time, but you know what? Who cares! I felt better than I did in the past, I had a great time anyway and didn't think twice about how I looked once I got there. So just relax and you'll find this journey much easier.

1 comment:

  1. This is great advice! I am thinking of a goal right now!
